Find latest cross-sector trends on ethics discussed by our International Business Experts around Data Ethics expert Katja Rausch, Sorbonne University
by Katja Rausch with International Business Experts
NEW: House of Ethics
Ethical exchange platform for all sectors AND booking platform for Speakers in ethics.
Find the latest trends in artificial intelligence, robotics, bioethics, machine learning, digital art, ecology, ethical leadership, logistics, lifestyle, and more
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The Good, The Bad and the Ugly: Bioethics Judges Data Practices in the Time of COVID-19 by Ahmed Hamedan
[Artificial intelligences] by Daniele Proverbio
Beeple: $ 69 million for a .jpg – The madness of NFT in digital art by Elif Nadir
The robot (your) Sophia, Ai-da, Erica and other fembots of Katja Rausch
Eager to share our knowledge of ethics with as many people as possible, all articles are free. Ethics is a philosophy of action and not of speech.
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Online information hub specialized on cross-sector ethics AND booking platform for Speakers on ethics in AI, robotics, biohacking, data ethics, biomedecine, green ecology, circular economy, logistics and ethics and more
Kontakt House of Ethics Katja Rausch rue de Mondorf 33 5750 Frisange +35226672123